Do you feel like you want to give up, but you’re not a quitter?

What is causing you to feel this way?

  • Feeling out of control of a certain situation
  • Nothing you try is working
  • Losing confidence in your ability
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Struggling to meet deadlines
  • Too many demands on you
  • You’ve run out of ideas
  • Understaffed at work
  • Dealing with resistive people
  • Other people’s negative behaviours and actions
  • Personal life challenges affecting your work life
  • You’re exhausted, battling and having to push all the way
  • …or anything else you’d like to add to this list!

To share a story with you, a client was feeling all of the above! For you it may be a similar scenario, or you might be experiencing these things in your personal life. This client felt side swiped by a resistive team that opposed her every step of the way. It was the first time in her working life that she had felt challenged this way as a manager. In the past she’d been able to lead teams, have them come on board with her and work through mandatory changes, instead she was now experiencing something quite the opposite with people digging their heels in and basically saying “not doing it!” It would be great to wave a magic wand and have the team make a positive turn around! The good news is that it is possible to lead a turn around.

For any of us, gaining perspective from a balanced view point of what strategies you actually need to use as far as the team and your leadership is concerned is a necessary part of the equation, but right now it probably feels hard to muster up the energy to do something differently because it’s so emotionally charged and exhausting.

How can I regain a sense of possibility?

The best thing that you can do for yourself is to build your own “stable platform” on which you live your life consciously and deliberately.

Your stable platform means:

  • you are in charge of your experience
  • you understand you have choice in any moment
  • you can use your emotions as a reporting system versus becoming reactive to things outside yourself
  • you can stay balanced and stable on the platform of your life, rather than wobbling, falling off or getting knocked off

When you have the skills and strategies to understand what it is that pushes your emotional buttons that cause you to feel stressed or emotional about any given situation, only then can you get back in the driver’s seat of your experience.

When you are in the driver’s seat you have the ability for centred self-control. You have the tools and strategies for self-insight. You know why you are being influenced by events which are often triggered by the past and can be unconsciously projecting into your future and experienced again and again. It’s time to bust the old patterns that are governing you!

How do I learn to do this and recharge my spirit?

You can begin the process as soon as you start the PowerWeeks because one of the first things you’ll learn to do is to work with your perspective.

The powerful thing about perspective is that as soon as we ‘label’ something it influences our belief systems. When our belief systems are influenced a certain way­­ – and we’re already feeling like we’ve run out of strategies and options – those labels are now going to seep into self-talk labels “I don’t have the skills” or “I’m useless” …now everything feels like it’s against you – even yourself – which further undermines your stable platform.

The gift of the PowerWeeks is that you start implementing the tools and strategies right away and your awareness raises to where you can deliberately change your perspective. It’s a daily practice that progresses through moment to moment self-realization, which begins to compound and express itself in positive behavioural change and more energy and vitality. You’ll get your Self back.

So how do I start learning this?

Option 1: PowerWeek

This is highly recommended if you want to get started right away. PowerWeeks are designed to integrate into your day, leading to positive behavioural change that becomes a part of you, ultimately expanding your skills and strategies for life.

click here

Option 2: Coaching

This is recommended if you want one on one personalized coaching. As your coach I will walk with you in discovering and defining your areas of need, setting goals, and monitoring your life changing results.

click here

Option 3: Workshops

Contact us to find a workshop near you, or better still, call for a consultation to tailor a workshop for the needs of leaders and/or team members in your organization.

click on the following links for recommended workshops to assist you:

Managing Stress Through Building Your Vitality And Resilience

Practical Positive Leadership

Turning Negative Attitudes to Positive Contribution