Do you feel like you need more leadership skills to handle a challenging situation at work?

What is causing you to feel this way?

  • Feeling out of your depth
  • Not sure how to deal with negative attitudes
  • Staff member regularly takes up too much of your time
  • Challenged by resistive people
  • Can’t stand confrontation
  • Feel you can’t have a voice because of possible repercussions
  • …or anything else you’d like to add to this list!

First of all…congratulations for arriving here! Asking for leadership/management skills is a commendable step, as for many individuals in a leadership/management role, it can be very difficult to ask for help – assumptions by above or below line staff often are, that you ‘must already’ have them!

You do…to varying degrees! This leadership PowerWeek will help you gain confidence as a leader and most importantly you’ll learn how to be your authentic self in the role you are fulfilling. (authentic: true and congruent to your spirit)

Ask your self – how would my day be different if I had better leadership skills? Responses such as…

  • I would be more productive
  • staff would be happier and more productive
  • I’d feel less stressed
  • I’d be better able to support my staff
  • I would be able to accomplish my responsibilities and stay focussed
  • I wouldn’t fear confrontation
  • I’d have skills and strategies to manage challenging behaviours
  • …what else comes to your mind?

Leadership comes with great responsibility and accountability. Most of us have experienced leaders who demonstrate that graciously and we’ve experienced leaders who are in denial about owning up and being accountable. Unfortunately some of our role models have not been what we wish to model. Now is your opportunity to lead in the change you wish to see!

Leadership is very much about what YOU have to become in order to have someone CHOOSE YOU as their leader.

Most people never look at it this way – you get the badge/the title and then assume (or hope) others will follow. Leadership is ultimately about having the skills to get people on side so that you can lead them effectively to achieve the vision of the company. It can be a willing partnership.

Great leadership starts with self-leadership. Take a moment to think about a leader that you’ve admired in some point of your life (could be a boss, teacher, friend, relative, world leader…) What sticks out at you that feels good or inspires you?

These things you can identify are the qualities you can model.

Here’s the good news: the fact that you can identify those qualities in another means that you already have them within you*. (*ref: Carl Jung – Swiss psychologist)

How do you want people to behave in your team? Whatever that looks like, you have to make certain that you are a model of that behaviour. How many leaders or managers have you observed that say one thing, but demonstrate the opposite?  Great leadership starts with self-leadership!

Self-leadership…how do I begin?

Self–leadership begins with self-awareness. How do people perceive you? That can be a tough question, because sometimes we can have the best of intention but not realize that others read our voice tone, our body language and our choice of words differently. The more stressed we are…the more likely our communication can be misread. It is vital as a leader to develop your ‘stable platform’ first. This is where you live your life in all areas consciously and deliberately. You will be in a much better position to choose the right strategy to apply to any specific situation at work or home.

What is my stable platform?

Your stable platform means:

  • you are in charge of your experience
  • you understand you have choice in any moment
  • you can use your emotions as a reporting system versus becoming reactive to things outside yourself
  • you can stay balanced and stable on the platform of your life, rather than wobbling, falling off or getting knocked off

When you have the skills and strategies to understand what it is that pushes your emotional buttons that cause you to feel stressed or emotional about any given situation, only then can you get back in the driver’s seat of your experience.

When you are in the driver’s seat you have the ability for centred self-control. You have the tools and strategies for self-insight. You know why you are being influenced by events which are often triggered by the past and can be unconsciously projecting into your future and being experienced again and again. It’s time to bust the old patterns that are governing you!

How do I learn to do this and gain confidence in my leadership with others?

You can begin the process as soon as you start the PowerWeeks because one of the first things you’ll learn to do is to work with your perspective.

The powerful thing about perspective is that as soon as we ‘label’ something it influences our belief systems. When our belief systems are influenced a certain way­­ – and we’re already feeling like we’ve run out of strategies and options – those labels are now going to seep into self-talk labels “I don’t have the skills” or “I’m useless” …now everything feels like it’s against you – even yourself – which further undermines your stable platform.

The gift of the PowerWeeks is that you start implementing the tools and strategies right away and your awareness raises to where you can deliberately change your perspective. It’s a daily practice that progresses through moment to moment self-realization, which begins to compound and express itself in positive behavioural change and more energy and vitality. You’ll get your Self back.

In leadership you’ll learn how to:

  • become an inspired leader
  • be deliberate about your style of positive leadership
  • manage your emotions when things get tough
  • use skills and strategies to get people on side
  • turn the team to be part of the solution

So how do I start learning this?

PowerWeek Modules: Stable Platform Series + Practical Positive Leadership

Option 1: PowerWeek

This is highly recommended if you want to get started right away. PowerWeeks are designed to integrate into your day, leading to positive behavioural change that becomes a part of you, ultimately expanding your skills and strategies for life.

click here

Option 2: Coaching

This is recommended if you want one on one personalized coaching. As your coach I will walk with you in discovering and defining your areas of need, setting goals, and monitoring your life changing results.

click here

Option 3: Workshops

This workshop has been designed to assist managers, second-in-charge, team leaders and aspiring managers. It aims to facilitate the participants to gain confidence in leading a team with positive, practical knowledge, strategies and skills.

Contact us to find a workshop near you or better still have a workshop tailored for your leadership team or organization.

click here