What is causing you stress?

  • Feeling out of control of a certain situation
  • Feeling overwhelmed at work or at home
  • Not coping in general
  • Not enough time
  • Struggling to meet deadlines
  • Too many demands on you
  • Understaffed
  • Losing confidence in your ability
  • Work stress is spilling over into your personal life
  • Other people’s behaviours and actions
  • Personal life challenges are affecting your work life
  • …or anything else you’d like to add to this list!

The reason I ask you “What is causing you stress?” is because getting to know what your ‘stressors’ are (stressor: a stimulus that causes stress) is a first step toward setting you on your path to managing stress and ultimately spending less time in the potentially detrimental effects of stress.

These effects can be mental, emotional and physical symptoms such as: headaches, nausea, rashes, eczema, panic attacks, micromanaging everything, sleeplessness, depression, crying excessively, low immune system, all the way to heart attack or stroke!

A stressor is the ‘something’ that causes you to experience some sort of mental, emotional or physical reaction. Getting to know your stressors and understanding what’s behind them, enables you to put them into perspective, so you can apply the appropriate strategy and regain control of your Self.

How can I better manage my stress?

The best thing that you can do for yourself is to build your own “stable platform” on which you live your life consciously and deliberately.

Your stable platform means:

  • you are in charge of your experience
  • you understand you have choice in any moment
  • you can use your emotions as a reporting system versus becoming reactive to things outside yourself
  • you can stay balanced and stable on the platform of your life, rather than wobbling, falling off or getting knocked off

When you have the skills and strategies to understand what it is that pushes your emotional buttons that cause you to feel stressed or emotional about any given situation, only then can you get back in the driver’s seat of your experience.

When you are in the driver’s seat you have the ability for centred self-control. You have the tools and strategies for self-insight. You know why you are being influenced by events which are often triggered by the past and can be unconsciously projecting into your future and experienced again and again. It’s time to bust the old patterns that are governing you!

How do I learn to do this and reduce my stress?

What I’ve put together to assist you are the following options:

Option 1: PowerWeek

This is highly recommended if you want to get started right away. PowerWeeks are designed to integrate into your day leading to positive behavioural change that becomes a part of you, ultimately expanding your skills and strategies for life

click here

Option 2: Coaching

This is recommended if you want one on one personalized coaching. As your coach I will walk with you in discovering and defining your stressors, setting goals, and monitoring your life changing results.

click here

Option 3: Workshops

Workshops are designed for all members of the multi-disciplinary team. Participants will gain knowledge, skills and strategies in managing stressful situations, preventing burnout and regaining control towards a sustainable positive outcome.

Contact us to find a workshop near you or better still…contact us to organize a workshop tailored for your team or organization.

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