About Us



Vivienne Black

Founder Vitelligence | Emotional Intelligence Builder | Leadership and Self-Management Coach


Vitelligence is about using our deeper intelligence to discern and comprehend things that are vital to our wellbeing. With more than 30 years of conscious learning and application gleaned from my respected teachers in life, I always carried a belief that there is a way to simplify the often complicated understanding of Self and how we react or respond in our world,  home and work.

I have both refined existing and developed some practical tools and strategies – one of which enables you to use your emotions as a reporting system versus being at the effect of them …giving you greater self-awareness and conscious self-management.

In partnership and collaboration with Dot Yam, I am currently the Principal Presenter and Facilitator of Dot Yam & Associates.and have presented in healthcare, nursing forums and conferences. I have worked closely with multidisciplinary healthcare teams in complicated and complex environments.

My qualification and expertise comes from a background in management, leadership training, personal and team development, both in Australia and USA. With over 19 years’ experience as a consultant, facilitator, speaker, counselor and coach.

My strength is in building positive relationships in the workplace through using Vitelligence concepts in leadership, communication and understanding, as opposed to bullying, fear and intimidation.

Feedback from participants who have attended Vivienne’s workshops found them “enlightening, engaging, uplifting and life changing.” “Vivienne’s dynamic facilitation style is captivating and her enthusiasm infectious”.

Dot and I are currently developing more “PowerWeek” e-Courses – one week, 5 minutes a day, a lifetime of results! The success formula of these PowerWeeks is that they are designed to integrate into your busy schedule at work or home. The first PowerWeek off the ranks, titled: The Perspective Filter is proving to be a powerful tool!